Monday, April 20, 2009

Titik pertemuan x dan y

It has been like this lately.

Yes, i confess i stole this picture from don't know who!

-There's come a point in life when i don't care what my boss will say or think about me anymore. No pay rise. Fine with me. No career advancement. Fine with me. I have no motivation to succeed in my career anymore. Yes, static.

-Anyway, i bought books. RM5 each only!! Pictures will come up soon.

-I just want to share a few words that my grandmother thought us. I don't think a lot of people will understand it. BTW, my grandma is from Indonesia. Well, welcome to the section of...........


Beol = Berak T_T
Pronounciation: Beh-All-

Contoh: Saya nak beol.

Olah banyu = Buat air.
Pronounciation: O0-Lah-Ba-Nyu

Contoh: pegi olah banyu, ada tetamu ni.

Ok, bai.