Friday, June 18, 2010


Photos from

I wanted to detoxify my body cause i've been having constipation, fatigue and well, feeling plain lousy. Tempted to buy Kinohimitsu plum juice but according to a review from Parisbeaverbanks, it doesn't work. I have the assumption that maybe Parisbeaverbanks doesn't eat junkfood. AND it's super expensive (Read: Kedekut)

A quick search in the internet suggested that anyone who wants to detox should drink a glass of prune juice a day. We are expected to be rabbits- eat lots of fruits and vege. No rice/ minimum carbs, no red meat, drink water, fasting etc. So i bought Sunsweet prune juice and dutifully drink it everday and then AND THEN i eat

  • KFC

  • Domino Pizza

  • Burger

  • ice cream

  • chocolate including M&Ms

  • Lamb chop

*sarcastic mode* Congratulations Jo, toxic out toxic in. GOOD JOB!

Monday, June 14, 2010


Breastfeeding is a lot of hardwork. A LOT. So for all the mothers who breastfeed their baby. Keep up the good work. For the others, it's okay. I won't judge you. I understand how hard it is.

2 months more to go.. Wish me luck.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

The mask

To be honest, i never had the energy to wear make-up everyday. Most of the time i’m feeling sleepy and wondering why we need to work. Can’t i just sit down and do nothing like Patrick? But every time i feel so lazy to wash my face or put some mask, i’ll look at these:-

The face is flawless. The hair- well done. I want to be like that too. How come my face oily?!! How come i don’t look like an angel when i wake up?? I know.... they probably had a nose job. The pictures are photoshopped etc. But at least thay take the effort to look beautiful right? My husband had always asked me why i like to buy those childish magazines. I said i like to STARE at the glossy pictures. My husband will look at me in a weird way and said nothing. I’m normal, don’t worry hubby. This magazine is some sort of motivation for me to always look presentable even at home.

Ginvera Marvel Gel, here i come!!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Corn bread y'all

Sorry, been very busy with my new life as a working mum. Most of the day i’m feeling like a WALKING ZOMBIE juggling everything. Thank god my mum is around to help me and an understanding husband. Arigatou gozaimas......

Just came back from work at around 6pm. Rush to the kitchen to bake some corn bread. There is a recipe from Chef Wan but it’s so hard to look for rye flour etc. So i bought an instance one from Vitacare. Honestly i didn’t measure anything at all, more like Jamie Oliver campak everything inside let’s hope for the best. So no proper recipe here. I just use 2 eggs, melted butter, flour, evaporated milk and cream corn. I just use a spoon to mix it manually, check the consistency and baked it inside my rusty and dusty oven. Wala! It’s done.

BTW, i bought some books from Armcorp Mall. Total damage RM300. Cough cough.

Up close and personal
Computer getting a bit wonky. Bye.

Grey Gardens from New York Times

If only the walls can talk
And tell me about life
Love, dreams, sadness, despair
Memories are all we had
Was there any laughter?
Were there any shattered dreams?
If only the walls can talk
And tell me about it
For we only live once
To walk through this path
I see sunshine and rain
To bring out the best in me